Certified Advanced Administrator Exam

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Exam Number : Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator
Exam Name : Certified Advanced Administrator
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator test Format | Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator Course Contents | Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator Course Outline | Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator test Syllabus | Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator test Objectives

Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions

Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes

Passing score: 65%

Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local law

Retake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local law

Delivery options: Proctored test delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.

References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.

Prerequisite: Salesforce Certified Administrator credential

The Salesforce Advanced Administrator test measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience as a Salesforce Administrator and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.

Security and Access: 20%

Given a scenario, determine the implications to record and field data access (Sharing model, controlled by parent, grant access by hierarchies, profile vs. sharing rules, communities security settings, field and record level access, sharing rules, field level security, and record types).

Describe the capabilities of Enterprise Territory Management and the implications for the sharing model.

Compare and contrast the capabilities of custom profiles, permission sets, and delegated administration.

Extending Custom Objects and Applications: 8%

Describe the appropriate use of relationship types when building custom objects (master-detail, lookup).

Auditing and Monitoring: 6%

Given a scenario, determine the appropriate tools for monitoring and troubleshooting system activity (debug log, set up audit trail).

Sales Cloud Applications: 10%

Explain how to customize and maintain products, price books, schedules, and quotes.

Describe the capabilities of forecasting (categories, hierarchy, quotas).

Service Cloud Applications: 10%

Explain how to create and maintain Salesforce Knowledge (article record types, data categories).

Explain how to create and maintain service entitlements and entitlement processes.

Describe the features of Salesforce which enable interaction between support agents and customers (chat, case feed, Service Cloud console, communities, omni-channel).

Data Management: 10%

Explain the tools and best practices for improving and enriching data quality (validation, managing duplicates, enriching, archiving).

Content Management: 3%

Explain how to set up and maintain Salesforce Content.

Change Management: 10%

Describe the options available to move metadata between environments (change sets, Salesforce extensions for Visual Studio Code).

Describe the capabilities and best practices for using change sets to move metadata between environments.

Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: 10%

Given a scenario, determine the appropriate analytic tools to meet complex reporting requirements (custom report types, reporting snapshots, complex charting, custom summary formulas, bucketing, joined reports, cross filters, dynamic dashboards, dashboard filters).

Process Automation: 13%

Given a scenario, troubleshoot an approved process.

Given a complex scenario, determine the solution using a combination of automation tools to solve a business problem (Process automation, formula fields, and when to use Visualforce and Apex triggers).

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Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator Exam

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