Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant

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Exam Number : Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Name : Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Full list of Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Consultant PDF Questions questions updated today
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The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant test measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with the Marketing Cloud Email application and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.

Discovery: 15%

Provided with a set of business requirements, determine what additional information is needed to design the recommended solution.

Provided with a list of branding and creative strategies, probe for additional information that is needed to recommend an appropriate solution.

Provided a customer environment and goals, determine the viability of external systems that need to be included in the solution (for example; POS, CRM, eCommerce, data warehouse, data source inputs).

Demonstrate how to gather requirements in order to put together the data and segmentation strategy for the customer (for example; frequency, complexity, volume of sending).

Given a scenario that includes customer information about subscriber acquisition, management, and attrition, utilize this information to select solution components.

Given a solution, recommend the appropriate customer skill sets required to utilize the Marketing Cloud application.

Conceptual Design: 12%

Analyze customer data to determine the appropriate data model (for example; List model, Data Extensions).

Given a scenario, determine the appropriate solution for given requirements considering technical expertise of personas (for example; Automation Studio vs. Journey Builder).

Given a narrative data flow, select the correct data flow diagram that depicts that data flow.

Given a customer scenario, identify which User Stories are appropriate to use for accessing Marketing Cloud.

Given a customer scenario, determine the factors to consider when scaling the solution.

Articulate how data construct will drive one-to-one messaging and content.

Explain the purpose of IP Warming and make a recommendation based on customer needs.

Marketing Cloud Connect: 6%

Understand the prerequisites to consider prior to starting a Marketing Cloud Connect configuration (for example; Salesforce edition, list of integration users, scope user, administrator credentials).

Understand how to send an email to a contact, lead, campaign, and report via the Sales/Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud (for example; sending, triggered, automated).

Understand how Sales/Service Cloud data in the Marketing Cloud can be segmented.

Account Configuration: 10%

Given a customer scenario, recommend the appropriate Marketing Cloud role based on User Stories.

Determine which type of customer scenario warrants the creation of a business unit (for example; publication types, demographic, workflow processes, and organizational structure).

Given a scenario, troubleshoot issues regarding Reply Mail Management.

Analyze the impact of applying a Sender Authentication Package (SAP) to a business unit (for example; link wrapping, Landing Pages, image URLs).

Reporting: 5%

Explain how the information in data views and tracking extracts are accessed.

Compare and contrast standard reports, data views, and tracking extracts.

Summarize Send Logs, including when/why to use it and how to create and manage.

Data Design: 12%

Explain the various data objects in the Marketing Cloud (for example; data extensions, list model, data retention model, publication lists, suppression lists).

Understand available data types, retention, and template options when building a data extension.

Understand how data is retrieved within a Relational Data Model (for example; basic SQL).

Given a customer scenario, recommend the appropriate import method with lists or data extensions.

Understand the implications of a system being database of record.

Automation: 8%

Given a customer scenario, select the appropriate workflow that meets the business requirement (for example; import, segmentation, email send).

Compare and contrast triggered and scheduled interactions.

Email Build: 7%

Understand the required steps to build, test, and deploy an email based on customer requirements.

Explain the various ways to individualize email content (for example; AMPscript, personalization strings, Dynamic Content, Guide Template Language).

Compare and contrast the ways to individualize content, such as SSJS vs. AMPscript, Dynamic Content Wizard vs. AMPscript/LookupRows function.

Explain various Marketing Cloud Email technologies (for example; Link Alias tags, Impression regions, Web Analytics Connector).

Contact Builder: 15%

Explain the role and capabilities within Contact Builder.

Understand how cardinality impacts data modeling.

Summarize how to use Data Designer to incorporate data source into Contact Builder.

Given a customer scenario, know how to build an Attribute Group to be used for a simple interaction.

Journey Builder: 10%

Compare and contrast automation tools, such as Journey Builder and Automation Studio.

Given a customer scenario that includes Journey Builder, evaluate the requirements, activities, and steps.

Explain the requirements for and the methods by which a contact can enter a Journey.

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