Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft MS-740 : Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams Practice Tests

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Exam Number : MS-740
Exam Name : Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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MS-740 test Format | MS-740 Course Contents | MS-740 Course Outline | MS-740 test Syllabus | MS-740 test Objectives

Exam Number: MB-340MS-740

Exam Name : Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams


Candidates for this test are support engineers responsible for supporting Microsoft Teams environments, troubleshooting deployments, tuning performance, collecting and analyzing telemetry and log data, and managing Teams environments.

Candidates should have significant exposure to unified communications and hands-on experience with Microsoft Teams. In addition, candidates should have networking knowledge of Azure fundamentals, telephony, PowerShell, data storage technologies, APIs, app security, authentication and authorization, security, and compliance information, debugging, performance tuning, and monitoring.

Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams voice issues (15-20%)

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Teams meetings and live events (20-25%)

Troubleshoot federation issues (10-15%)

Troubleshoot issues signing into Microsoft Teams (15-20%)

Troubleshoot teams and channels (10-15%)

Troubleshoot issues with files (15-20%)

Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams voice issues (15-20%)

Troubleshoot audio and video flow issues

 troubleshoot audio and video quality issues

 troubleshoot call drops

 investigate issues with call quality and dropped calls by using Call Quality Dashboard, network tracing tools, and logs

Troubleshoot emergency calling issues

 configure dynamic emergency calling

 identify issues with emergency phone number normalization rules

 troubleshoot location detection failures

 troubleshoot missing locations in outbound calls and missing addresses

 troubleshoot dial mask issues

Troubleshoot direct routing issues

 troubleshoot issues pairing the Session Border Controller (SBC) with the phone number


 troubleshoot dial plan issues including normalization rules

 identify the root cause of direct-dialing call issues by reviewing the SBC log

 troubleshoot audio conferencing issues including provisioning and configuration issues

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Teams meetings and live events


Troubleshoot live events issues

 troubleshoot meeting creation and scheduling issues

 troubleshoot recording issues including policies related to recording

 investigate issues sharing content and viewing reports

 troubleshoot reporting issues including issues with attendance reports and moderated


 troubleshoot attendee access and playback issues

 troubleshoot and optimize networks for Teams live events

 investigate issues connecting to the service and joining meetings

Configure and troubleshoot Teams services

 configure Microsoft Audio Conferencing licensing

 troubleshoot dial pad issues

 troubleshoot phone number provisioning issues

 configure and troubleshoot issues with the Outlook add-in for Teams

 troubleshoot issues enabling and configuring audio and video devices for Teams

 troubleshoot online and hybrid call queues and auto-attendant issues

 troubleshoot user provisioning issues including licensing users, phone number

assignments, and policies

 troubleshoot issues with phone system features

 investigate phone system setup and configuration issues

Troubleshoot Teams client issues

 troubleshoot Teams client startup issues and crashes on Windows, Mac, and Linux


 investigate causes for high memory or CPU usage

 investigate network issues including network latency

 analyze web traffic and review HTTP status codes by using Fiddler and other tools

 troubleshoot issues installing and updating client software

 troubleshoot performance issues including long times for uploading files and chats slow

to load or send

 troubleshoot call setup issues

 troubleshoot issues adding participants to meetings

Troubleshoot messaging issues

 troubleshoot message delivery issues

 troubleshoot issues attaching files and content to messages

 troubleshoot chat notification issues

Troubleshoot federation issues (10-15%)

Troubleshoot issues interoperating with Skype for Business

 investigate chat issues when interoperating with Skype for Business

 troubleshoot federation issues between Teams and Skype or Skype for Business

 troubleshooting Interop chat scenarios

Troubleshoot Teams federation issues

 configure federation policies and domain lists

 verify tenant configuration settings including allowed and blocked domain lists and type

of federation

Troubleshoot issues signing into Microsoft Teams (15-20%)

Troubleshoot account and network issues

 verify Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) health including endpoint availability

and synchronization status

 troubleshoot issues with Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On (Azure AD

Seamless SSO)

 identify reasons for blocked accounts by reviewing web log data

 verify user virtual private network (VPN) configuration settings including split tunneling

and client version

 validate network configuration settings including firewall ports, IP ranges, and proxy

configuration issues

Troubleshoot member sign-in issues

 investigate authentication issues

 verify whether an applied conditional access policy prevents sign in

 determine whether a user account or the device from which a user attempts to sign in is

the cause of a sign-in issue

 troubleshoot client sign-in issues by collecting and analyzing Teams debug logs

 troubleshoot Teams Rooms System (TRS) sign-in issues by analyzing log data from

Teams Room devices

 investigate points of failure in the sign-in process flow

Troubleshoot guest access issues

 troubleshoot issues adding guest users to teams

 troubleshoot call, message, and meeting issues for guest users by checking the guest

meeting, guest messaging, and guest calling configuration policies

 audit invitations sent but not used and inactive accounts

 validate configuration settings for federated message flow

 review Azure sign-in logs and audit logs for the domain which hosts Teams

Troubleshoot teams and channels (10-15%)

Troubleshoot issues with apps

 configure Teams to allow or block an app

 validate app permission policies

 configure app setup policies

Troubleshoot issues with public and private channels

 differentiate between capabilities of public and private channels

 identify limitations for private channels

 check user permissions, team policies, and tenant policies

 verify and troubleshoot channel email settings

 troubleshoot tenant replication issues in teams and channels

 troubleshoot deletion issues in teams and channels

Troubleshoot issues with files (15-20%)

Troubleshoot person-to-person (P2P) private chat file issues including access and sharing

 verify access rights for the user

 configure a Teams client configuration policy

 troubleshoot issues provisioning users

Troubleshoot file issues for private channels

 verify that the SharePoint site for the channel is accessible

 verify SharePoint access permissions

 confirm that the SharePoint site collection link is intact

Troubleshoot file issues for public channels

 verify SharePoint access permissions

 determine whether the name for a channel or team have been changed

 confirm that the SharePoint site collection link is intact

 troubleshoot file synchronization issues and missing files

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