Specialist - Technology Architect- Midrange Storage Solutions

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DELL-EMC DES-1D12 : Specialist - Technology Architect, Midrange Storage Solutions Practice Tests

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Exam Number : DES-1D12
Exam Name : Specialist - Technology Architect, Midrange Storage Solutions
Vendor Name : DELL-EMC
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DES-1D12 test Format | DES-1D12 Course Contents | DES-1D12 Course Outline | DES-1D12 test Syllabus | DES-1D12 test Objectives

Exam Code : DES-1D12

Exam Name : Specialist - Technology Architect, Midrange Storage Solutions

Duration : 120 minutes

Questions : 60

Passing Score : 60

Dell EMC Midrange Architectures - Describe the Unity and Unity XT hardware (e.g., enclosures, I/O components, storage media options)

- Explain Unity and Unity XT storage resources and features (e.g., dynamic pools, RAID functions)

- Describe SC Series storage resources, connectivity options (e.g., RAID, Consistency Groups, SSD, HDD options)

- Describe the controller options available in the SC Series models and related use cases

- Describe the PowerStore hardware components and their functions (e.g., controller and expansion enclouses models, I/O expansion modules, internal components)

- Describe the PowerStore resources and features (e.g., caching and data reduction mechanisms, NVMe and SSD options, PowerStore manager GUI)

Dell EMC Midrange Product Solutions - Describe how to provision and access Unity storage, including Block, Files, and VMware datastores

- Identify Unity advanced features for Block storage (e.g. FAST Suite, D@RE, host I/O limit availability, thin clones)

- Identify Unity advanced features for File storage (e.g. IP Multi-tenancy, Advanced Static Routing, IP Packet Reflect)

- Describe Unity Data Protection (e.g., Snapshots, Replication, and Snapshot Replication architecture) solutions and use cases

- Describe Unity Data Mobility features, requirements, and use cases

- Identify key features of the SC Series operating system

- Describe SC Series cross-platform replication functionality and use cases

- Describe PowerStore Data Services and how to provision and access storage via block, files, and VMware datastores

- Describe the PowerStore load and resource balancing capabilities and PowerStore replication capabilities

- Describe PowerStore Data Protection and Data Security (e.g., Snapshots, Consistency Groups, Thin Clones) features and use cases

- Describe PowerStore HA features, non-disruptive upgrades and migration options requirements and use cases

- Compare and contrast similar features between Unity, SC Series and PowerStore solutions

Dell EMC Midrange Best Practices, Sizing, and Design

- Apply Dell EMC midrange best practice recommendations for data service, system, storage, and host application configurations

- Describe sizing and design considerations for Unity, SC Series, and PowerStore

- Describe how to size and design an SC or Unity solution for performance, capacity, security, and resilience

- Describe the data gathering methods to size and design an SC Series solution

- Describe the tools and resources available to size and design Unity and SC Series solutions

- Explain how to size an SC Series solution that includes Tiers 1-3, storage requirements, front-end and back-end connections, and common use cases

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DELL-EMC Specialist answers

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