AHM Medical Management

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Medical AHM-540 : AHM Medical Management Practice Tests

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Exam Number : AHM-540
Exam Name : AHM Medical Management
Vendor Name : Medical
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AHM-540 test Format | AHM-540 Course Contents | AHM-540 Course Outline | AHM-540 test Syllabus | AHM-540 test Objectives

Exam Details for AHM-540 AHM Medical Management:

Number of Questions: The AHM-540 test typically consists of 100 multiple-choice questions.

Time Limit: The test has a time limit of 2 hours (120 minutes).

Course Outline:
The AHM-540 AHM Medical Management certification test focuses on assessing the knowledge and skills required for effective medical management in the healthcare industry. The course outline covers the following key topics:

1. Introduction to Medical Management:
- Overview of medical management in healthcare organizations
- Roles and responsibilities of medical managers
- Regulatory and compliance considerations
- Ethical and legal issues in medical management
- Healthcare delivery models and systems

2. Healthcare Quality and Performance Improvement:
- Quality management principles and frameworks
- Measurement and evaluation of healthcare quality
- Performance improvement methodologies
- Patient safety and risk management
- Utilization management and cost containment

3. Medical Staff Governance and Credentialing:
- Medical staff organization and governance
- Credentialing and privileging processes
- Peer review and performance evaluation
- Medical staff bylaws and policies
- Collaboration and communication with medical staff

4. Healthcare Finance and Reimbursement:
- Financial management principles in healthcare
- Healthcare reimbursement models and payment systems
- Revenue cycle management
- Budgeting and financial forecasting
- Cost management and cost-effectiveness analysis

5. Medical Informatics and Technology:
- Electronic health records (EHR) and health information systems
- Clinical decision support tools and technologies
- Health data analytics and reporting
- Telemedicine and virtual care
- Privacy and security of health information

Exam Objectives:
The AHM-540 test aims to assess the following objectives:

1. Understanding of medical management principles, roles, and regulatory considerations in the healthcare industry.
2. Proficiency in healthcare quality management, including measurement, performance improvement, and patient safety.
3. Knowledge of medical staff governance, credentialing processes, and effective collaboration with medical staff.
4. Competence in healthcare finance and reimbursement, including financial management and cost containment strategies.
5. Familiarity with medical informatics, health information systems, and the use of technology in medical management.

Exam Syllabus:
The AHM-540 test covers the following syllabus:

1. Introduction to Medical Management
- Overview of medical management in healthcare organizations
- Roles and responsibilities of medical managers
- Regulatory and compliance considerations
- Ethical and legal issues in medical management
- Healthcare delivery models and systems

2. Healthcare Quality and Performance Improvement
- Quality management principles and frameworks
- Measurement and evaluation of healthcare quality
- Performance improvement methodologies
- Patient safety and risk management
- Utilization management and cost containment

3. Medical Staff Governance and Credentialing
- Medical staff organization and governance
- Credentialing and privileging processes
- Peer review and performance evaluation
- Medical staff bylaws and policies
- Collaboration and communication with medical staff

4. Healthcare Finance and Reimbursement
- Financial management principles in healthcare
- Healthcare reimbursement models and payment systems
- Revenue cycle management
- Budgeting and financial forecasting
- Cost management and cost-effectiveness analysis

5. Medical Informatics and Technology
- Electronic health records (EHR) and health information systems
- Clinical decision support tools and technologies
- Health data analytics and reporting
- Telemedicine and virtual care
- Privacy and security of health information

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AHM-540 Exam

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